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I’m pretty sure we had knives before we had bread.
We’ve been killing each other long before we were cooking.
But were there bread knives before bread? I’m not going to slice my bread with a butcher’s knife or a cleaver, that’s barbaric!
Eggs predate chickens.
Obviously, since dinosaurs hatched from eggs.
I was hoping to trigger people into a mad discussion, but you ruined it by stating why. My parents always told me I was a failure, clearly I failed at being an internet troll too.
You are clearly too good to be a troll.
But what about chicken eggs specifically??
Still the egg came first. We talking about evolution right. So a pronto chicken which resembled a chicken slightly layed an egg which hatched a mutated proto chicken which is closer to our chickens. So the egg game first every single time since it’s the “birth” of the newer genetic material
True. If you go back far enough, though, there must have been something that laid an egg, yet didn’t come from one itself.