Hiya there!
I’ve recently been struggling more and more with this monitor issue as depicted in the picture. It happens whenever I turn the computer on, e.g. when the monitor has been inactive for a while. These lines only occur then, and slowly go away by themselves - unless i change the refresh rate of the monitor. To be frank, this has been an issue for probably over 2 years - but its never been “this bad” before.
Got no idea what has caused this, why it (seems) to be getting worse, or what this type of monitor issue is called.
This is a AOC 32" screen, dont have the exact model - but if it matters ill try to dig deep to find that.
Appreciate any tips or pointers to this.
Try dropping the refresh rate just a little. Worked for my 27" AOC VA panel.
144hz on mine is very prone to this. 120hz only acts up on a fresh power-on. When it’s cold I just set it to dim instead of sleep.
Issue with Operating system Display driver, GPU hardware, HDMI/DP/VGA port(s) on PC and/or monitor, or cable
So you’re saying that it’s an issue with something. Interesting.
It’s an issue with VA panels starting cold. You probably notice that it’s more common when the temperature in the room is cold.
If your monitor settings appear at the bottom of your screen/overlap with the affected area, you know the issue is with the panel and not your gpu/cables.
My MSI Optix G24C has the same issues (uses a VA panel manufactured by Samsung), and can take a couple min to warm up if the room is cold and hasn’t been used in a while.
This might be it actually! And I do live in a rather cold climate too 😅 But I could do some testing regarding this actually. Thanks for pointing that out!
It looks like either faulty cable or dying GPU. Check with another cable and see or move the cable around to see if affects the image.
I had something similar, it was cause of the GPU, had to replace it.
Had this issue across three different GPUs, if GPU is the case than I must be the unluckiest dude ever haha.
Lol, now that’s weird! Maybe it was a bios issue ? If it’s not the GPU it should be the motherboard?
Or perhaps you where using the build in GPU of the motherboard?
Or maybe you really are unlucky ;-))
Is your taskbar normally locked a half inch above the bottom of your screen? Have you updated your graphics drivers recently? If not, start there.
No its normally not haha, and yeah am running the latest of what i can.
Have you confirmed for sure that it’s the monitor and not your system? Plug it into your TV or something else and make sure?
It sounds like your monitor is shitting the bed based off the photo and your description of the issues but I like to remove variables whenever possible.
I got this screen from my brother and he had the same issue when he used it.
Damn that’s unfortunate. Sounds like the screen is dying or already was when you got it.
I’ve had good experience with that brand of monitors on the past personally. Shame yours is kicking the bucket.
If it goes away after changing the refresh rate, is the monitor over clocked via CRU, nvidia control panel or some other program? I’ve had that happen when trying to increase my monitor’s refresh rate.