It’s right there under New. I’m not sure how long it has been there!
Unfortunately it doesn’t appear to let you change any parameters, so you’re “stuck” with ed25519.
You also can’t paste in an existing key, which is what I was expecting to be able to do.
What version are you on? I’m on 2024.12.4 and don’t have it.
It’s the Edge extension (if that makes a difference - it might)
This does appear to matter. On Firefox latest version seems to still be 2024.12.4
I’ve noticed previously the Firefox extension tends to lag behind a bit with updates (I normally use Firefox but was at work).
That’s pretty cool. I didn’t know that either. I was just reading more about it and found that you can port keys:
Import key to Bitwarden
Existing SSH keys can be imported into Bitwarden.
Select SSH key from the navigation menu.
Copy the existing SSH key you wish to import into Bitwarden. Use the Import key from clipboard option. This will automatically paste the SSH key into Bitwarden.
The caveats:
Imported keys must be in OpenSSH or PKCS#8 format
Additionally, at this time, imported SSH keys from Putty are not compatible.
I don’t have SSH Key in my navigation menu (actually I’m not even sure what it means by navigation menu - is this in the browser plugin or elsewhere?)
I don’t have it available in my extension or desktop app. I just downloaded the latest flatpak, but forgot to check versions in the flatpak and firefox extension
A link somebody else posted says it’s not in the flatpak yet.
Looks like maybe the import is in the desktop app only, as I can’t see it in the extension or the web vault.
Neato, it can even act as a replacement for ssh-agent (this means that the bitwarden client will handle which ssh-keys are accessed and used).
So what are the security ramifications of this? I’ve always subscribed to the idea that SSH keys identify a machine and I generate new ones for every machine. That allows me to turn off a machine without losing the access from other machines.
All that said, it would be really handy to make SSH keys more like a person identifier and use the same one across machines. Is this how it’s intended?
NEAT! Thanks for the heads up