for the lamb stew known as tu’hu, first you get water. Then you sear leg meat in fat. In go salt, beer, onion, rocket, coriander, Persian shallot, cumin, beets, water. Crushed leek and garlic and more coriander, for a fiery taste. Then add kurrat, an Egyptian leek.
Rocket is a vegetable. Also known as arugula. It’s on the spicy side.
You think it’s spicy? I’ve never heard that honestly. A little peppery tasting, sure, but not spicy. Unless there’s spicy varieties of it or something.
I mean… not jalapeno spicy, but I’d say it’s on the radish level if it’s decent.
Radishes are not spicy, I’ve never understood this. It’s almost entirely water!
I remember thinking radishes were spicy as a kid. As an adult, not so much.