I recently discovered a company called Flock which apparently is building a massive surveillance network. I came across a reddit post on r/sysadmin where an admin received a request to install a black box device so that law enforcement could access cameras.
https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/how-to-pump-the-brakes-on-your-police-departments-use-of-flocks-mass-surveillance-license-plate-readers (disclaimer: I don’t support the political views of ACLU)
(disclaimer: I don’t support the political views of ACLU)
The… political views? As in, where they decided to stop defending Nazis?
What are you dolts arguing about the ACLU comment instead of discussing the actual post?
Because in a way, everything is political, to someone, whether you like it or not. Even mentioning the ACLU could imply there is some agenda behind what OP is doing.
Engage with the fact that theyre tracking every car on the road in real time. Thats plenty political, so why focus on who’s talking about it?
There hasn’t been a single other comment other than mine as of writing this thats actually talking about these cameras, you’re all just circle jerking about the righteousness of some.organization that isn’t even important to the discission.
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They are fairly far left. I think freedom and privacy shouldn’t he political. That is why I felt the need to leave a disclaimer as there are some political statements in the page.
Do you mean that you don’t like the way they prefer to defend individuals against corporations rather than the other way around, or the way they don’t help people defend themselves against lawful and reasonable government action?
I don’t mean any of those things. I just want to point out that I don’t support the political statements. I am not looking to start a fight.
“I am not looking to start a fight”
That works, sometimes.
The ACLU stopped being neutral long ago, if they ever were.
Fuck the ACLU at this point.
FYI, as someone who has only seen good work from the ACLU, If you don’t explain what they did that you consider wrong, I’m gonna assume you’re potentially a mentally ill lunatic, rather than having rational grievances.
Everything is political. Unfortunately. BUT I am for ANY org that is in favor of individual rights and freedoms. Haven’t looked at the ACLU in a while tho tbf
Because you make it that. Its political for you but for me, no.
The ACLU isn’t to bad but they are definitely liberal. However, the work they do benefits us all. The EFF is a little less left leaning so I tend to prefer articles written by them.
Less left leaning than liberal? Are you suggesting the EFF is conservative?
No, I am not. I am saying they are a little less politically extreme. They are left leaning but they less public about it. They still have left leaning views but they aren’t as vocal about it.
If you consider the ACLU to be ‘far left’ I don’t think I want you at my kickbacks tbh
everything is political.
this company pushing invasive surveillance tech upon underserved-and-overpoliced communities like mine is political.
our “representatives” accepting invasive surveillance technology is political.
our “representatives” requesting more invasive surveillance technology is political.
“law enforcement” having (real-time) access to all of these invasive surveillance tech like LPRs & cameras is political.
the core purpose of the police is political.Also, the political cannot be seperated from the economic.
bourgeoiscapitalistcorporate media outlets push narratives that spread fear because it draws attention… more eyes/ears means that they can sell commercial time/spots at a higher rate to advertisers.
so, these outlets generate revenue by scaring the shit out of their audience.our ostensible “representatives” run on & fundraise off of these manufactured narratives.
the police officer associations use this fear to lobby our “representatives” for greater resources (i.e., an increased share of the municipal budget (i.e, less money for everything else) shiny, new toys, more officers, etc.).
the companies supplying invasive surveillance tech make money through sales and/or (future) contracts.
it’s all political, and the political is connected to the economic.
I don’t think you need to be a minority to be impacted by this tech. That is actually the most terrifying part. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from you are being watched constantly. To be far most peoples cell phones use Google and the cell phone companies can track you somewhat with the modem. The difference is a phone isn’t needed for transportation. Also your face is hard to change let alone your walk or any other ways they can identify you.
I don’t think you need to be a minority to be impacted by this tech. That is actually the most terrifying part. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from you are being watched constantly. To be far most peoples cell phones use Google and the cell phone companies can track you somewhat with the modem. The difference is a phone isn’t needed for transportation.
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Theyve been popping up all over my area. My city doesn’t have them buy we are surrounded by them on three sides. Its fucking disgusting and terrifying and no one seems to give a shit and just get annoyed that I point them out every time we pass one.
Would love an OSM map that had surveilance camera locations listed. Looked on organic maps, but that’s not an option to place.
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What do they look like?
I like the last pictures , looks someone ripped one and examined it. I was about to suggest to do that break them at night
I wouldn’t commit a crime. That seems like a very bad idea and could result in a criminal record and prison time.
Fight with our spirit, voice and civil disobedience.
Exactly. Thats exactly the right thing to say on public social media. We are all obedient little pigs here.
Yeah thats worked out great so far eh?
It has
We have made progress