I would occasionally like to use (wired) headphones, but 90% of the time I am fine with just hearing the audio that comes out of the crappy monitor speakers. If I plug the 3.5mm cable into the monitor’s headphone jack (even without headphones attached), then no audio will come out of the speaker anymore.
It is really cumbersome to plug and unplug the cable from the monitor, because I have to pull my desk away from the wall and bend upside down to even be able to see the port where I am supposed to plug it in.
Is there some simple solution to this problem, or am I just stuck using one or the other? I have a small desk and don’t really have room for external speakers.
Most operating systems let you choose the output device of the audio.
So, you should be able to plug the headphones into the computer itself, then in software choose to have the audio go out of the HDMI when you want the monitor speaker, and line-out/headphone when you want the headphones.
Which distro are you using?
I had forgotten that there is an audio port on the pc itself. I guess that would be the easiest solution, I’ll just have to buy a longer cable.
It’s not hard to switch sound devices if you leave it plugged in. If you’re on Windows just right click the volume icon on the taskbar to the right and pick the output you want.
The monitor may have a menu with an audio option to switch between them.
You could get a small usb soundcard. You can get cheap ones on Amazon.
Then, just swap your audio destination in your OS from your monitor to your soundcard when you want to use headphones