Banking apps seem to be a motif among things that don’t play well with privacy ROMs. My bank’s website does everything I could want out of it. I think I might be ignorant to something.

  • What about banking apps is especially compelling?
  • How often do banks put must-have features behind an app?
  • And should I be concerned that banks might move away from offering services through browsers?
    7 months ago

    The only time I’ve willingly used a banking app is when they lock out my VPN IP. In those cases the app still usually works for whatever reason. So far, I haven’t found any functionality missing from the webapp, but I’m also dealing with brick and mortar institutions.

    I would be concerned as they will eventually probably move to a phone app first ecosystem, however it will probably take a while. Some people are still only using in person and phone banking (where you call them and punch in numbers).