Avoids Telegra, WhatsApp. Recommends Session, Signal, SimpleX, Threema.

  • infeeeee@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    How do you make old people happy by messaging on signal? What makes a text based messenger “fun”?

    I enjoy speaking with my friends on signal, because - you know - they are my friends.

    My use case with stickers: when they were a new things, I saved like 3 packs, and I never felt the need to look for a new one.

    About links: there are far better tools and services to store your bookmarks than a text messenger. Personally I use self hosted wallabag, but there are a lot others, and all web browsers has some bookmark feature, I don’t know why you want to store them in Signal.

    The stickers are not in the app for privacy reason. This website is not run by the foundation, but by the community. Read more about how stickers work in the blog post: https://signal.org/blog/make-privacy-stick/

    I think you have a preconception about what you want, maybe it’s discord, or I don’t know which service you think about as “ideal UX” or “for young people”. But if you start to think about that all that bells and whistles are actually just distractions. The only important thing in the long run will be communication, and Signal is good with that.