Unnecessary and deeply concerning bow to the new “king”

Update: position got backed up by an official Proton post on Mastodon, it’s an official Proton statement now. https://mastodon.social/@protonprivacy/113833073219145503

Update 2, plot-twist: they removed this response from Mastodon - seems they realize it exploded into their face!

  • funnyguy@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    framing him as a “tech dipshit” is a mistake, i feel. though it’s definitely true lmao

    like all things we should use class to analyse their motivation, and in this case it’s very clear - andy, like mark zuckerburg, elon musk, and jeff bezos, is simply looking after his own interests as a member of the ruling class (that is, the class that owns the means of production under a capitalist system) by ingratiating himself with americas new ruler.

    these people will always look after their own class interests before anything else, and it’s through class analyses that we can identify their motivations. here he’s simply trying to raise his own status within his class.