Once I had to use the internet without and ad blocker ( shiver ). It was horrible. I still have nightmares.
Joking aside. I couldn’t believe how crammed full and chaotic sites were without an ad blocker. I have no evidence to support this other than my experience but I think , for me , ad blockers are good for my mental health. Being constantly exposed to all those messages trying to exploit insecurities can’t be good for people.
Anyways ad blockers are the best.
76 percent of cybersecurity experts use ad blockers.
I’m a bit worried about that other 24%. How expert are they if they don’t recognize the risk?
Good. Ad blocking is security and anyone that tells you different both doesn’t care about your computer security, and also wants to sell you something.
That 2/3 to 3/4 of computer programmers, computer security experts and advertisers seems low. I feel like that should be closer to 90%