Happy new year y’all,

I launched XMR.IST Monero alias service 6 months ago, with this service you can create human-readable alias addresses for your long wallet address. Try monerochan@xmr.ist address on your favorite wallet to see the magic 😉

With using NEWYEAR coupon code, you can get your alias address for free: https://xmr.ist/register

P.S. Coupon code applies 0.05 XMR discount, that means you can get 6+ characters long addresses for free. For shorter addresses (and to support my website ^^), you can pay with Monero.

  • stinky@redlemmy.com
    2 months ago

    Can anyone with experience in monero tell me if it’s a security risk to give away your wallet address

    • antidote@monero.town
      2 months ago

      It generally isn’t. Except for if you happen to say that your public address is the same as the address of a wanted criminal group. To avoid that you could use a sub-address or better yet, another wallet (with a different key).

      If you are being targeted, with a high risk profile, someone could try to link your activity on different sub-addresses with an EAE attack. That’s why it’s better to isolate activities with different wallets instead of just sub-addresses.