Please tell me you’re a fan of the How Did This Get Made pod
Please tell me you’re a fan of the How Did This Get Made pod
I think they have to change names to something lame when they become pope. The current guy is named Jorge Mario Bergoglio but goes by Francis.
He probably would but the important part is the narrator telling us that the devil “knew” that he lost, meaning the devil himself considered Johnny’s crappy performance to be the superior one for some reason.
This is similar to what happens with Asian giant hornets (those murder hornets that made it to the US a couple years ago)-- when a scout finds a honeybee hive it brings back a troop that goes in and just murders everything in sight, and with European bees there’s nothing they can do. Meanwhile the Asian bees know to lure the scout into the hive and then surround it with a bunch of bees, creating a bee ball. Then they vibrate and heat themselves up, and since the bees can withstand temps a few degrees higher than the hornet, they manage to overheat it to death.
The devil is declared the loser by the omniscient narrator, so what are the implications there?
Geez, no one talks about SNES MK anymore. Before the blue shell, we remember!
If you have a college degree it’s pretty easy to move to Japan. You just have to enjoy working for peanuts and singing songs to classes of little kids.
Well, university coop cafes are always gonna be comparatively cheap, but yeah, Japan’s prepared food is generally cheap on a different level. Stuff in grocery stores for one thing, but I still can’t quite figure out how sukiya or yoshinoya puts a beef set meal in front of you in 5 mins for less than 1000 yen
Yep, it’s called a clitic, and you can’t put emphasis on it the same way you would if you used the full word
When’s the last time the gop did something to prevent an abuse of any kind?
Either way, if he believes this:
Until corporate Dems are thrown out, the reality is that Republicans remain more likely to tackle Big Tech abuses.
he’s fucking dumb as a hammer
He looks young enough for it to be House but I’m not used to seeing him in a bathrobe. Out of curiosity I just had a look at his post-House shows and he has one called Chance where he plays a forensic neuropsychiatrist. Seems like the show focuses more on one character and her life rather than him solving medical cases though, but I thought I’d stumbled onto House 2 for a second.
Any idea what this is from? I’m always down for some new Hugh Laurie shows.
You should check out the dollop podcast. Recently they started doing a segment (the past times) where they read sections from old newspapers (even stuff from the 18th and 19th centuries). Some crazy stuff got printed back in the day and it’s interesting to see how people viewed papers way back in the day.
Yeah there’s a reason “cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war” is a Shakespeare line (from Caesar)
The Maryland governor actually posted a picture saying he was worried about drones and it was orion’s belt with a couple other stars in the picture.
Depends on the supreme court election results ;)