Enshitification is what is happening, the original windows video player was way more capable than this modern garbage.
Enshitification is what is happening, the original windows video player was way more capable than this modern garbage.
“Great question, before i give you a response, let me introduce you to raid shadow legends!”
Agreed, I’m pretty certain some right wingers don’t want random people snooping around their private stuff as well.
And most people are unwilling to fight due to this being covered up, with the likes of save the children, or combating the terrorists.
Initially thought the post was an attempt on a joke. But yes, what would banning prove?
X might be a threat to privacy and freedom but doesn’t Facebook, Microsoft and others do the same. It looks like a poorly developed plan.
That’s only if one actually touches grass
Not his fault for liking big buns
“Why do you care if you have nothing to hide?”
Government: hides their plans
The children they deem to protect are trembling in fear right now.
But what about the cHilDReN?
…And this is how I summoned a demon