Mine’s a fully digital one but they have animations on the sides that give that sort of feedback… Without it, though, yeah, I think it would make me feel more disconnected from driving, which isn’t exactly a good thing
Mine’s a fully digital one but they have animations on the sides that give that sort of feedback… Without it, though, yeah, I think it would make me feel more disconnected from driving, which isn’t exactly a good thing
And on top of that, at any moment, they (Tesla) can remove pretty much any feature they feel like in a push update, which they have done… Personally, I think removing existing features from already sold products should be illegal, flat out
The Civic’s split dash was apparently generally hated, but I really liked it, for just that reason… The year after mine they switched it back to a single cluster, which I think is unfortunate
On my vehicle, those type of controls are moved to the steering wheel
Let’s be real, though, it’s not the dev we should be mad at but some suit who thinks they know security demanding it be done that way
Okay, that was actually pretty funny
North and South America have the Darién Mountains/Darién Gap
The Urals don’t even stretch all the way across the continental boundary
Again: inconsistent.
Regardless of which definition you go with, someone saying North and South America are one continent but Europe and Asia are two separate continents are at the very least being inconsistent
And they let you turn it off
It’s was sooo good! Really slow and deliberate and tense and at no point did it feel like it was dragging.
But yes, it does bother the pedant in me to see everyone calling it “Imperial system” when it technically isn’t
“Why would I pay $25 for these pair of pants at full price when I could pay $24.99 for those [identical] pants that are half off?! Clearly, that’s the better deal!”
Hell, could probably even make it $29.99 for the identical pants and people will still go with that because they think they’re paying five more bucks and getting a $60 pair of pants
Ooh, that actually doesn’t sound bad… Slightly tart sweet with the salty tang of the sauce, maybe with a kick of spice from jalapenos… I’ll have to give that a try sometime
ETA: I missed that it said “pasta” rather than “pizza”, but my comment stands
I so very much preferred speedometers like that which had every 10 marked rather than every 20 like so many seem to do