Man, at this point you should think about your treat model. Are you a high profile target? If so, choose security over convenience, but if you only want your privacy, you probably can have a comfortable balance between security and convenience.
I use keepass2Android.
And keepass2Android
Last time I used it was very convenient, but the price was too high for me. Besides that, I bought 1pass when was possible to buy once and have it forever, since then, they made increasingly harder to access it if you bought instead of use as a paid service. That’s why I made the change to KeePass. The only thing that 1pass offers that could justify their business model as a service is sync on multiple devices, and bitwarden does that as well. KeePass don’t, but you can make it happen with free Dropbox for example.
Bitwarden have a good balance of security, price and convenience. If you want more control and less convenience, KeePass.
You could watch all day today? Or are you thinking it as when you were a child with a healthier body and knew no limits?
Don’t tell that out loud, they may decide to block features of we don’t connect it.
Zen Browser since last week. Is a Firefox fork.
This is what you are looking for: https://youtu.be/pA0zYTmi5ck
Both are fine, take the easiest.