Sure, but it’s still just trusting others. Ok,maybe it’s just my paranoia speaking…
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Sure, but it’s still just trusting others. Ok,maybe it’s just my paranoia speaking…
Ok this has some right for existence… Yet,just being oss isn’t always the point alone. Without checking the code myself I still just have to trust.
Wouldn’t trust a gov app in europe either. But then again i don’t trust any app and have them firewalled at least .
Using it on my own server since… Ages ☺️ Can only recommend it. Even though google’s results are often… Weird up to completely unhelpful.
And what is it with my attitude? To have a strong opinion?
I remember the times where we didn’t have a tiny computer with us all day to be reachable. And if I’d be lonely because i don’t give a rats ass about WA, fb and the likes, that’d be indeed lonely but not due to that
This is sadly the exact reason it will stay like this. People can’t reach me because i don’t use WhatsApp? Well bad luck. Use a better app or just don’t. I can’t reach them because they only use WA? What a bummer but so be it.
As long as people install WhatsCrapp because some distant aunt still uses it for the xmas-greetings, it will continue to be #1.
I dunno where you got that shit, but i never suggested to use a file or whatever. I’m keepassxc-user.
That is actually a good idea. I’m not using one rn as i only manually transfer it. Might be worth considering. Thanks
I don’t know. You wouldn’t really need it, if you’re concerned. If you’re fine you can just C&P or even let keepassxc use it’s auto-type. So no addon needed. It’s just more comfortable. And you can never have security AND comfort. Security is absolutely always uncomfortable.
Even IF there was a quantum-safe-cryptography, doesn’t change the fact, that your most private stuff is in a cloud and you have absolutely no idea what the future might bring. And if i have anything in the past decades in the IT, then it’s that there is always a past-past-something.
One can’t hack into where there is no path into :-) Also, whatever you COULD do in the future, a version of your passes where you didn’t do it, already was in the cloud. It’s not like you delete a thing there and it’s totally gone forever.
Yes. The easiest/most reliable is syncthing. Yet there’s the online-component which is inherently vulnerable. Depends on how paranoid you are.
Encryption won’t last forever. The moment Quantum-computing will be a thing, all current encryption will be pointless. Depends on your level of paranoia and planning for the future 😁
With keepasscx YOU have the password-file. Period. You know what’s been done with it: Nothing, as it doesn’t phone home except update-checks. Which you can also disable.
With the browser-addon you’ll get the same result but with control.
Don’t. It’s not in your hand is the simple reason.
My advice is keepassxc. Got a ff-addon that does basically the same. But you have your password-file under your control. And do backups!
It should work as you think it will. Minus data from the car. But you could maybe do this with an added wireless obd-adapter. If needed. AA is cool, especially since the cool-walk-update where you can have many apps on the same screen at once. Love my sygic plus MediaMonkey and telegram.
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Very nice one.
How about a cheaper and easier solution? Get a fingerprint sensor, use this one to unlock the database each time you use it. Fast, comfortable, secure. Got mine directly beside the keyboard.