I figured it wouldn’t do much or anything for privacy but figured it would be worth an ask. Thanks
Avid Gamer | | Lifting connoisseur | | Completionist
I figured it wouldn’t do much or anything for privacy but figured it would be worth an ask. Thanks
Plexamp right now is the biggest reason I have not even thought of moving to something else. I have yet to see a music player that comes close to the features Plexamp has.
Ok thanks. I’m pretty happy with watcharr at the moment.
I think I tried out mediatracker but switched to watcharr because of how much faster it was but I just tried out the demo for mediatracker and it seems to buy much faster than what I remember maybe will try it out again
Loads for me and I believe you can buy in the app aswell
I am also waiting on a native Linux app
Just set it up and tested it out a little and this is what I’m going to use it fits best for me right now thanks for showing this. It looks like I can also import the previous excel sheets I have.
Huge thanks
Edit: meant to say mobile via browser works great too
No I’ll look into it didn’t know there were plugins
Neat didn’t see this one before. I will also try this out the setup looks daunting to be honest though but I’ll try
Ohhh nice. Just scanned there webpage and definitely looks good and interesting. Definitely going to try this could work the best. Thanks
I’ve looked into multiple fitness trackers like this one but they focus more on ’ activities’ like running distance, hiking area etc not how many sets of bench you did at what weight (weight lifting exercises) Maybe I just looked at the wrong ones but FitTrackee looks to not support that.
Ok thanks I’ll check it out
Edit: ok the mobile experience is 100x better thanks I think I will use this and setup next cloud or another solution for PC use aswell and that should solve my ‘issue’ I think
I fixed my ports and switched the image that Schizo mentioned and now it works thanks for informing me I am new to this.
OK never mind… Just went back to it with the changed ports that catloaf (no idea if I can @ people here to be honest…) mentioned and it now works :)
I tried that one first but had same issue.
Oh thanks and thanks for link. Didn’t really solve it though but good to know
Lidarr might do it but I no longer run it as it didn’t really work well for me but I have not touched it in over a year. Also music torrents are very rare from my experience. I recently heard about “lidar on steroids” but have yet to fully look into it.
Edit: it looks the it has been updated to have a UI now so maybe it does read albums
Ok I’ve heard alot of good things from that according to this Reddit post it has most features minus the DJ witch is cool and I use but I like trying out new apps and it’s got a free trial and only a 5$ purchase so pretty cheap all things considered.
Saw this and set it up. Hopefully it will grow and get better as a tracker the worst part about self hosting music is most of the time the music data is pulled from musicbrainz but new music or lesser known artists are never there I end up adding most of the music I listen to to there database.
Edit: does not seem to work as anticipated it does not read albums you have only artists and is now telling me every album I that has released this year from the artists I have. Still interesting and will follow this project closely. Maybe I missed a release lol.
Will do. Many people talk about launcher freezing thanks