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Stay for the real entertainment: finding out whether Disney or Warner Bros eats the corpse
Get Paramount Plus for the trek
Stay for the real entertainment: finding out whether Disney or Warner Bros eats the corpse
it’s funny that .zip is a domain, yes. I can’t imagine it gets used for anything other than email scams
everone knows you join instances based on how funny the @ is, duh
depends. lotta places pump you full of toxic preservatives so you can have a pretty corpse at the funeral. Then all those chemicals get buried in the ground 🫠
We already know the NSA is keeping tabs on everyone
yeah. Honestly, I don’t think it’s that unreasonable to look at the system we have and conclude that it doesn’t make that much of a difference.
I mean, it does and people should vote… but it would be really really nice to have a parliamentary system.
But that’s clearly not the only option. They assumed the public backlash would be in their favor and it was. Now they get to keep on making money, which is the best outcome for them.
If I wanna get my propaganda from more than one world power, that’s my right under the first amendment. Or it was.
kinda depends on your definition of politics
the one I heard that I think is the most useful is, On the broadest level, Politics is how societies decide how and where resources are distributed
by that definition, healthcare can only be a political question, cus no matter how you set it up, you’ve made a decision about how it’s staffed and funded, who it caters to and what its goals are
the author did an alternate universe in a more grounded setting where all the characters go to collage together, its really good