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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • Lemmy is an infinite feed of empty bitesized content.

    Would that mean that your point is that every social media platform is full of empty content? I would agree that the internet in general is somewhat empty now, but objectively speaking TikTok short video format is not meant for rich content so that would make it the more “empty” that any other social platform.

    I have to ask you what platform are not an “infinite feed of empty bitesized content” to understand better your point perhaps.

    Or what do you mean by “feeding”?

    I mean that the platform traps people by encouraging/pushing you to keep scrolling for the next high. Just like one would feed a cow or pig, to later harvest a better product. Ever since I stopped using Facebook, Instagram and the likes my time spent on social media decreased abysmally.

    As you said Lemmy also feeds content, but what it does not do is insert suggested content within your selections(feeds). If I sort by “All” all posts appear, “Local” for all local posts and “Subscribed” for my personal selection, all of those are sorted chronologically and in none will be a “Suggested Post or Advertisement”. Granted I do filter (skip) posts in my subscription but not regularly, just like anyone would skipping pages on a newspaper. And as you said, nothing inherently wrong with automatic topic filtering, that is a great feature to have I would love if Lemmy would have a automatic topic or tag filter. That all good and dandy but when is driven by interest in revenue it becomes more of a nuisance and possibly a harmful addiction specially when they remove the option to filter by time. Have to say that nothing against advertisements, businesses need to generate revenue and that is fine.

    As for user content communities might be incentivized to attract and “feed” but that is not the platform doing it.

    I just check myself before I say anything elitist about social networks preferences

    I would like for anyone to join Lemmy or whatever platform that does not suck on your blood, I do not think any better of me for using Lemmy or a different content format and I would like to share whatever I have with the world. If Lemmy is and elitist platform I would not know anything about it and most certainly take no part in it. To be honest I do not know what this elitism you mention is coming from.

    When I say “I see TikTok, I dislike” it is because of the harm it does to people and most definitely not aimed towards the people using it. It breaks my heart every time I see people with their neck crooked scrolling endlessly in TikTok, I see this everyday in the subway, in the street and everywhere. Kids and even elderly people suffering the effects of it. I really hope this ends someday, and if you think it is not that serious I would encourage you to check the amount of hours a kid spends on TikTok(not saying they would spend any time at all on the phone if it wasn’t for TikTok but TikTok obviously does not help at all). Not to mention TikTok knows all the harm it does but could not give a shit.

  • Would you care to explain why and how is Lemmy feeding me? I’m not saying Lemmy is exempt of the bad kind of content and behaviour or even me getting addicted to social media(federated or otherwise), but it is surely not motivated to do so because it gains nothing from doing so. Last time I checked federated platform do not use algorithms to filter and sort content, do not show advertisements and so on.

    Final question, what would one that has those corcerns have to do so that they would not be a hypocrite? Asking geniunely… Are you concerned about those things? And if so what have you done about it?

    PS: I do not hate TikTok just because, I hate any predatory social media platform, video game publisher or stream service. I have switched to every possible FOSS alternative and taken the recommended privacy practices.

  • What about the people who are worried about the harmful mental and physical effects that TikTok has on people? The privacy concerned trying to keep their data safe? What about empty and repetitive content? TikTok is a wormhole of negative behavior, and as much as there can be interesting content on the platform the majority is overhyped and recycled garbage(independent of your interests). If the platform was not a massive conveyor belt feeding empty content for the sake of money I would be somewhat ok with it. I’ve tried TikTok, Vine and even Snapchat and personally it is quite fun doing short video content(informative, silly or otherwise) but I do not enjoy being treated as a pig to be fed.

  • When you visit the same page with µBo:

    A man took a nor



    [Giant Ass Blank Space]

    [Can’t tell if this is a piece of a new article or a continuation of the current one]

    Man was take picture of lady and wowzah did he see

    [Colossal Blank Space]

    something on her that was crazy

    and he look at picture closely t


    get a be




    [Medium Ass Blank Space]

    Celebrity Colin Ferrel was seen today with ex-wife while wearing a brown coat

    [Large Ass Blank Space]

    Continue reading here

  • True, suicide will inflict damage on your family but the part were they want help can only true for healthy families.

    I asked my father for help multiple times, all he said was “why can’t you be normal” and only talks to me when he wants money.

    There is a video on youtube called somethikg like “My cluster B parent died and I did not care” that narrates his own real childhood story and how he ended up being a therapist after all. This video is helping me detach because at the moment his actions still affect me badly.

    I think people should watch this video… And sorry for the dark note
