My concerns with this site are the domain will get flagged as a spam / illegal content / threat domain. Which will impact anyone trying to use it as real email.
With no identity / payment gateway it’s inviting people to abuse it.
Being able to attach files to emails sent anonymously is going to intice bad behavior by bad actors.
I like the idea, free anonymous email, it’s my kind of crazy. But when running such a site we need to protect it from abuse or the site will die.
I think there is limit on daily messages you can send for free
Perhaps that was the case a year ago when you posted this, but now the free accounts allow zero outbound msgs.
It’s interesting that their highest tier plan is capped at 150 msg/day. In any case, I think has no cause for concern.
My problem is that they delete trial accounts without reason & without warning. So I distributed my email address to people and just a few months later the address is dead. They don’t say the free accounts have a time limit. I thought the only limit was lack of sending feature.
It’s only free to get you in the door.
Yes, and in fact it’s worse than your linked page suggests. I was happy to receive email and not send. So that free trial would have been forever perfect for me. But after a few months my login creds mysteriously quit working. No warning and no msg after the fact to tell me why my account was deleted.
It’s a dick move because people rely on email for important tasks. It’s fair enough to have limitations, but concealing the limitations is off.
“For this reason we have created Onion Mail, your email encrypted with PGP and your data does not reside on a single server but is distributed over the network. You can use Tor for browse the Hidden website and you can encrypt all your emails with your PGP key.'”
If this type of service appeals to you I recommend you check out
proton mail requires another email or telephone number for verification
For a few pennies you can anonymously pass any sms hurdle.
Not ideal, I realize.
Usually it costs me on avg $1.50
And some of these sites ask for an OTP over SMS at every login. It gets expensive fast.
What’s that site?
Its a site that lists anonymous services, usually accepting monero as payment.