I am pretty sure I pissed of some eldritch deity because I have been chasing this laggy feeling I had with my pc for 2 months.
But in the past few days my desktop was getting very slow during installationand general use. At the same time my HDD activity indicator would be on all the time. Turning off the pc would shut it down and a few seconds later restart.
So I switched out Fedora for Pop OS and everything went fine for half a day and the problemen came back again.
When turning off the pc, right now, I got what you see in the picture.
So I would like to ask do I need to hire an exorcist or is hardware borked in someway?
Any help would be greatly appreciatie, so I would like to thank anyone even willing to look at my post.
EDIT: Well for anyone still interested, apparently it was something in the 6.5 series kernals that made my pc behave weird because with 6.6 kernal all of the problems vanished. I want to thank everyone again for all the suggestion and help diagnosing my problem.
Looks like failing storage. You may be able to initiate a SMART self-test from the BIOS, or you can use the manufacturers tools. Seatools works on non-seagate drives and has a live USB option.
Do the short test first, if it passes, do the long one to confirm. Short test takes about 15 minutes usually, the long one can take a couple of hours.
I doubt this is storage. It looks more like some platform kernel or firmware bug. Another poster mentioned that it didn’t happen on their machine until after an apt update so there’s more indication.
While a SMART drive test never hurts I think this one is something else.
They switched distros and still had issues. That and the general slowdown with high disk usage is a classic sign of failing drives.
Chasing hardware issues by playing with software only wastes time, so ruling out the hardware first is a good idea