Hello, I present to you moneroc - the proper and correct way to conduct Monero/XMR churning.
- https://github.com/antichainalysis/xmr-churner
- https://github.com/antichainalysis/xmr-churner/blob/main/writeup.md
Please read up on the README.md and let me know what you think. I do not claim to be a Monero expert or professional but I may also be incorrect or misinformed on some things.
You can also churn yourself with Feather Wallet for example
I’m glad to be one of the few who actually do that :)
And yes, sweep_all isn’t always good
There’s definitely more info to increase our anonymity with Monero that involves decoys and churning. I’ve already talked quite a bit on this subject on this community
I do not recommend this application whatsoever. The techniques used are far from “The proper way to churn Monero” and most are actively harmful to privacy. I hate to be so harsh, but this repo is a hot mess of all the worst ways to churn Monero clobbered together.